Neighbors of Suntree hold several special events each year to raise money for local charities. It kicks off the season with a Welcome Coffee in September. A Holiday Luncheon, which features a gift basket raffle, is held in early December. The NOS Fashion Show Luncheon is held in February. NOS closes the season with a Spring Luncheon in April, in which donations are awarded to the charities we support, or donations may be distributed throughout the season.
Part of the admission price for each event goes into our charity fund. The sale of tickets for various raffles also raises funds. For events where vendors sell merchandise, they donate a percentage of their revenue. NOS has also organized silent auctions and other activities to raise money. Each fall, the board selects several charities to receive a donation at the Spring event.
Door prizes are always a big part of each particular event. Local businesses provide gift cards or merchandise to be used as door prizes or auctioned off. NOS encourages you to support these businesses.
Upcoming Events
Welcome Coffee 26th September 2024
Holiday Luncheon 12th December 2024
Fashion Show 13th February 2025
Spring Luncheon 10th April 2025
NOS events are held at the following location:
Suntree Country Club, 300 Country Club Drive Melbourne, FL 32940