Each year NOS selects charities to fund. NOS has four major events yearly and monthly events to raise money. Donations are disbursed at the end of the season to our chosen charities. Our charities this year will be awarded at our Spring Luncheon or during the year.
NOS is raising funds for the following charities in the 2024- 2025 Season:
Women’s Center of Brevard
The Women’s Center is a local Brevard County nonprofit organiza;on with a mission to help women, men & children who have faced trauma related to domesic violence & sexual assault. Serving thousands of people annually for nearly 50 years, the Women’s Center can be the first and last step in helping people in Brevard transi;on from vic;ms to survivors. Trauma-informed, wrap-around programs provide vic;ms with the hope, tools, and resources needed to build a healthy and successful future for themselves and their families.
Anual Impact:
- Over 3,000 people served & 56,363 services provided
- 358 sexual assault vic;ms served & 6,635 services provided
- 83 individuals in emergency safe housing with 3, 203 bed nights
- 33 individuals in transi;onal housing with 5,660 bed nights
- 212 individuals served in counseling with 3,071 individual sessions
- 48 preven;on workshop trainings with over 1,006 par;cipants
- 589 rape crisis calls & 905 domes;c violence calls on our 24/7 hotline
The Center is located at 1565 Sarno Road, Melbourne, FL. 32935.
Helping Seniors of Brevard
The mission of Helping Seniors of Brevard is to improve the quality of life for Brevard’s senior popula;on through the provision of informa;on, educa;on, and resources. Our vision is to create an informa;on network to help seniors access a full range of services to assist in mee;ng their health, household, financial, legal, and other needs.
Goals include:
- Expand senior informa;on network
- Increase the scope of the educa;onal media program
- Coordinate development of volunteer senior advocacy group
- Create an aging plan for Brevard County
- Establish an elder care endowment
The Center is at 1344 South Apollo Boulevard, Suite 2-C, Melbourne, FL. 32901.